Jay-Z and Kanye West Class Offered In Missouri

Wow! Jay-Z and Kanye West has done so much in their career that there's a class being offered on them for the second time.

According to reports, this year in the fall a "Jay-Z and Kanye West" class is being offered at University of Missouri. The class is set to focus on their relationship.

Andrew Hoberek, a professor in the English department classifies Jay and Kanye as poets.

"I really do think that these guys are warming up to the level of major poets, and not many people think of it on those terms. Because it's not just on a page, but it's video art, too, "Andrew said.

The English professor said Jay's album "Blueprint 3" and West album "Yeezus" shows the history of rap as an art form. He then compared the two artists  to painters and novelists in the 20th century who are moving beyond the confines of the art form's boundaries.

Jay Z and Kanye West aren't the only ones who has classes offered on them. There's also classes being offered on Jay's wife, Beyonce. If only classes on prominent African Americans and leaders were offered to educate our young!

Would you attend a class for Jay Z and Kanye West or Beyonce?