Maia Campbell Falls Back Into Bad Ways Since Iyanla Vanzant Appearance

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Actress Maia Campbell hasn't been on her best behavior since her appearance on "Iyanla Vanzant's: Fix My Celebrity Life".

The "In The House" star was arrested in mid February for allegedly being intoxicated and causing a disturbance at the Waffle House in Riverdale, Georgia.

According to TMZ, officers gave Campbell a chance to leave on her own, but she refused. She was then arrested an charged with disorderly conduct.

The 38-year-old was also arrested at a Burger King on Greenbriar Parkway in late January after she got into a verbal altercation with a fellow female patron, who told police that the fight began when Campbell accused one of her daughters of stealing her wallet and then used "foul language" in front of her two kids who are both under the age 14. 

There's not much you can do for someone who doesn't want to be helped. All we can do is pray for Maia Campbell!
Tamara M. Anderson