GLEN PURDY ft. Fly McFLY "COME OVER" Presented by Ibrahim malko

Glen Purdy releases his latest single, "Come Over", a fiery collab effort featuring Fly McFly. The boisterous track showcases Glen’s diverse lyrical style and unique flow, all over a dynamic Franz Richards and Glen Purdy produced instrumental. This song has the potential to perform like his latest 2016 hit, "Make U Happy", which garnering much notable attention throughout the Eastcoast. This is a standout track from his upcoming mixtape, "42 South". Keep an eye out on this heavy hitter as he takes aim at knocking another release into the stands! Read more about the rising hiphop artist, Glen Purdy below. FOLLOW @Daydreameramp

Glen Purdy is an American Rap Artist, singer and Fashion Designer.

Glen was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. His father was murdered prior to his birth. Thus, Glen was born instantly into a single parent household which consisted of a young- writer/ mother who had graduated college twelves days prior to his birth. Glen grew up in Philadelphia until the age of nine, at which age he moved to South Jersey in hopes of a better life.

Without a father, Glen grew close to his uncle who provided him with guidance, support and encouragement. However, after his uncle was killed life became extremely difficult. His mother became distraught and unable to cope. As a result, she quit her job and they eventually found themselves evicted and homeless. Glen lived in a hotel for a short period with his mother and their cat. Growing up under tough circumstances, Glen saw the world differently and became an all around creative and ambitious mastermind.

Glen would write poetry for the majority of his life. But, once homeless and after the death of his uncle, Glen decided to take writing and rapping more seriously. He wrote a song dedicated to his uncle and father while briefly living with his grandmother after his homeless stay in the hotel. His song "Uncle" is set to be released in his anticipated SYKOTIC BRAND ALBUM. While living there, he also wrote his hit single "BLUNTS ROLLED LOOSE". Glen would also practice singing at any given moment, he was determined to sing his own choruses (self-taught). Sykotic Brand, which is heavily incorporated in his music, started as clothing brand (with Glen being a designer and later expanded into his music). Other interests of Glen's includes BMX, skateboarding, Fashion/ clothing design, and not conforming to society pressures/ standards.

Glen has been a rebel his whole life. His style as a musician/ rap artist is a combo of catchy lyrical, melodic and smooth. In many songs, he speaks the truth about what goes on in society and in his life, which is heart- touching. He has also written and recorded good- catchy Party Songs such as: "BLUNTS ROLLED LOOSE" and "KUSH IN THE CIGARILLO" which are both lyrically acclaimed with dope metaphors. Fans of Glen Purdy have a lot to look forward to and will be pleased to hear his single: "GIRL FROM CALABASAS, like KARDASHIAN", once dropped. His skills are on point and he tells a very good application of melody when it comes to choruses.

Glen is not new to performing in front of large audiences, he has been performing BMX Freestyle since the age of twelve. Eventually mastering the art of the sport, he traveled all across country for competitions and to discover new skateparks.

A couple of Glen's overall goals is to take his creativity to the next maximum level even in Fashion; To inspire and help through his beliefs in deficiencies of society and the world; To be a business entrepreneurial icon, starting from Sykotic Brand with much more to come.