“Sold Out” // D-Brown & 30 Boy Will deliver strong new video for hustler's anthem

Indiana stand up. Heavyweights from both Gary and East Chicago have collided, and given us an explosive banger in result. They are D-Brown and 30 Boy Will; and “Sold Out” is their latest Hoosier State anthem. First, 30 Boy Will attacks the trap drum-heavy track, coasting its undulating 808s with hardbody bars and a guttural inflection. His timely flow slips easily into the chorus; which 30 Boy Will himself charges with a bounce of memorable rhymes. Then, it is D-Brown’s turn. Determined not to disappoint, the titanic emcee utterly wigs on the mic. Spitting at an almost rapid-fire pace, D-Brown offers myriad, street-hardened lines with his verse; making it lyrically evident that neither he, nor his partner, have “Sold Out”. In their cities they are the last of a dying breed. And with anthems like this club-ready single, they will continue to survive and thrive.

“Sold Out” 
[Watch on Youtube] 
