Interview: 4 Question For BFM

BFM will be presenting & hosting a Chi-Bangerz Night every 3rd Wed @Sub starting this wed 17th! He's asking that if you fuck with him, the website he helped create, or the entire Chicago Hip-hop movement that you come out and join the celebration!!! RSVP here.

CBZ: What's the theme behind your new event series "Rap+Chicks+Fly Kicks"?
BFM: My homie Chris Cap & I want it to feel more like a party environment instead of just another show. Once a month we'll invite a couple big names out to perform & politic. Just like the blog, we just want to bring the whole hip-hop community together under 1 roof to network & have some drinks also lol. 

CBZ: So who will be there?
BFM: I'll be hosting & some of Chicago's elite artist's will grace the stage including: YP, AGACEE, MAGG MYLE, NICHOLAS KANE, CHRIS CAP, DJ SEAN MAC, & DJ LOS. 

CBZ: What kind of atmosphere can we expect from "Rap+Chicks+Fly Kicks"?
BFM: We want it to be a place where people can come kickit after work on a nice Wednesday night. There will be different guest DJ's every month & all ladies are free til 12 midnight!!!

CBZ: Alot of people don't even know you're an artist yourself. So what's next for BFM &
BFM: Oh yea lol! Alot of people will be pleasantly surprised that a blog nigga can spit like that lol!!! I'm currently finishing up my new project, "Cadillac Brougham Joints" scheduled for October release. Also I will be debuting a UK version of the site called "Brit-Bangerz". Gonna be dope.

Shout out to Chris Cap, & James Crittle of OC Music Group!