Is Kanye West The Most Honest Person In The African American Culture?

Rapper/producer Kanye West has been making headlines over the past few months. His last episode included him assaulting an 18-year-old for calling baby North the N word. Before that West vowed to not stir up any controversy for at least six months but that's neither here nor there.

It looks like Coinye isn't the only company founded behind Kanye's name. As it turns out a group of anonymous people have founded a movement called Yeezianity. The movement was capitalized from the name Yeezus. According to the group Yeezus mean a divine being who has been sent by God to usher in a New Age of humanity. The founder of the Yeezianity proclaimed West as the most honest person in the African American culture.

During an interview with the founder said Yeezianity isn't based on West personal life but how he places himself at a Godly level. He also breaks down the five pillars of Yeezianity. 

The  "5 Pillars" of Yeezianity are: "1. All things created must be for the good of all; 2. No human being's right to express themselves must ever be repressed: 3. Money is unnecessary except as a means of exchange; 4. Man possesses the power to create everything he wants and needs; 5. All human suffering exists to stimulate the creative powers of Man," the founder explains.

He also said he puts West at the highest moral standards and highest integrity. He said he is the most creative person.

"He gets a lot of flack from the lower-minded masses. It's not even that they don't like him. It's that they don't know what he's doing because the press gives it this negative spin all the time," the founder of Yeezianity said of West.

"He is the most honest person in our culture,"he added.

So, what do you think? Is Kanye West the most honest person in our culture?