Chicago-based rising star & recording artist Sir the Baptist has a message for Chicago on this Halloween and it's a powerful one. Read it below and more info on Sir at the bottom...
I'm on a mission and I'm asking for your help. Last Sunday I marched from my dad's church in Bronzeville to Armstrong Park, and asked you as a community to WAKE UP! This weekend is Halloween and this time I'm asking you to stay awake with my NO SLEEP campaign.
The hours of 9 pm to 5 am will be the most dangerous time on Halloween. I want to call my community together and ask as many people as I can to commit to taking part in a watch unlike any neighborhood you have ever heard or been a part of. This is a shared responsibility. Bronzeville has a population of around 20,000 people. I ask only 480 of you to commit to taking just a 60 second timeslot and watch out your window and anything unsafe to your friends, family, and neighbors, report to the police. We will give you a WAKE UP call, both literally and in the communal sense, 5 minutes before your 1 minute timeslot. Now, I know that this does not cover the community in its entirety, however it is a start. Wouldn't it be amazing if we could get 5,000 people to join with us? Imagine the impact we could have. We can show the world what we are capable of when we join hands and come together for positive purpose.
We will be out in the community all day Thursday and Friday, as well as Saturday morning asking for your commitment to gather these 480 to help drive our campaign.
Set aside the fact that I am an artist and remember that I am first a #Bronzevilleboy. Our campaign team is comprised of Bronzeville business owners, artists and citizens just like yourselves. We are also teaming up with the 3rd and 4th ward police districts to be prepared for the watch as well. In addition, we will have a team out on foot patrol as well.
Take this opportunity to come together as the community that we desire to be and make this campaign a true success. Let's prove that we have the power as a community to put Chi-raq to sleep.
Checkout more about Sir the Baptist below...