Sequoia Bilal The New Face Of R&B!

Sequoia Bilal is a native of Tampa Florida. She is 30 years old, and has been a contestant of American Idol (2010). Sequoia began singing at the age of 4, & was a member of the Mount tabor Missionary Baptist Church Choir. Her biggest dream continues to be an artist. 
Sequoia was a great student in high school, graduating with honors & a member of the Upward Bound Program. With a promising life ahead of her. She also had to confront the untimely death of her father, a tragedy she now hopes can spur her singing career to new heights. 
Sequoia was presented with a short notice opportunity to the 2016 Invictus Games in Orlando Florida. Hosted by Prince Harry & Michelle Obama. She did not disappoint. Although she knew no one participating in the choir, or the games. Sequoia’s gift of voice became a backstage highlight for most of the singing participants. She has released an EP (Sorry), & an album (Chemistry written by her) that would ultimately take her career to the next level. Her experience working gigs with live bands, amateur singing at local bars & clubs, & personal invitations to sing at funerals & weddings. All prepared her for the opportunity she hopes to use as a stepping stone to a promising future. For herself, her family, & those with similar backgrounds or who can relate. 
Follow On Instagram: @SequoiaBilal
For more info on Sequoia Bilal contact @ThoroughConsulting 631.664.4927