Hip Hop Legends Join Forces For Good Cause

Hip Hop was originated in New York during the 70's. According to hip hop news, a few legends of hip hop has joined forces to remind the old and the new school where it all began and it's impact.

Grandmaster Melle Mel, Grandmaster Caz, Afrika Bambaataa and Grand Wizard Theodore have come together to create a museum with the Windows of Hip Hop development project. The museum is set to be built in The Bronx. It's purpose it to explore Hip Hop's origins and celebrate it's cultura and historical significance in teh world. 

Melle Mel and Caz were both asked how they felt about today's hip hop. Mel said he can't stand it and it's way too juvenile and violent.

"It doesn't stand for anything," Mel said.

Caz said hip hop is beautiful and it's truest sense hasn't changed. He also stated that rap music needs an enema.

"Rap music needs a good flush-out," Caz said.

Learning the history of hip hop and what it once stood for is very important for today's youth to understand. It's not all about drugs, violence, sex, drinking and partying. Once upon a time rap music had substance. Now, all you need is a beat with a nursery rhyme!