Black Ink Crew: Season 3, Episode 6: "Rehab & Photo Shoot Interrupted"

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Last week on "Black Ink Crew" things left off with Puma blowing smoke after he got laid out by Ceasar. This week Puma acted as if nothing happened when he showed up at the shop. He didn't take no responsibility for the part he did wrong.

Following the fight between Ceasar and Puma, Ceasar and Dutchess was the happiest they have ever been. After reenacting and bragging about what happened Ceasar also revealed something about Puma. After doing a Google search he found out that Puma wasn't the owner of Ink 124 and he had it on paper to prove it!

Despite how Ceasar feels about Puma, Oh S**t is still his friend and so is Teddy. Ceasar demanded Teddy stop talking to Puma because they are related. To Teddy just because they are related doesn't mean he can't talk to people he has a problem with.

Sassy, Walt and Quanni all took part in a photo shoot for Sassy. Quanni was suppose to be the stylist but she was having a hard time trying to take a back seat to directing. Walt who was the photographer became even more frustrated when Quanni had to leave early because of Puma's lack of parental control.

Lastly, getting caught with a controlled substance wasn't enough for Oh S**t. He tested positive again for drugs. He would have been headed to Riker's Island had he not been given an option of going to jail or rehab. 

Like most of those headed to jail after failing a drug test Oh S**t took the easy way out but the question is will he stay clean enough to get better for his children?

He should also be ordered to strap up every time he has sex with a new female. He has three children already and he's having unprotected sex with Donna. Will she be pregnant next?
Tamara M. Anderson