Real Housewives of Atlanta: "Chocolate Does A Body Good"

This week on "Real Housewives of Atlanta" things got real heated between Phaedra, Kenya and Cynthia. It was like the attack of the chiwauwaus against Phaedra the Bull.

No matter what else happened on Sunday's episode Kenya almost getting purse smacked by Phaedra was the highlight of the night. 

Catching Phaedra off guard, out of no where Cynthia brought up her cheating on Apollo after he told her they were not going to get involved. Kenya chimed in accusing Phaedra of sleeping with a man named Mr. Chocolate. Phaedra then jumped up and swung at Kenya with her purse. 

Nene and Porscha came to Phaedra's rescue but many are wondering why Kandi didn't defend her friend. According to Kandi, she has her own problems in her marriage with Todd. She hasn't had much time for Phaedra which is why she's been out of the loop.

During the past seasons Cynthia was Nene's best friend. She even wrote a contract and whomever Nene didn't like she didn't like. Now Cynthia has become Kenya's mouthpiece. She doesn't see that Kenya is just using her to do her dirty work. She will turn on her next. And Claudia she is just riding along. Her time with RHOA is limited!

Real friends will be there for you no matter what is going on. Everyone needs someone to talk to have a shoulder to lean on during a time of need, even Kandi!
Tamara M. Anderson