Did Busta Rhymes Go Too Far?

According to hip hop news reports, last week rapper Busta Rhymes lost his cool at a restaurant while in Miami. The Miami New Times reported that Busta had a temper tantrum like a baby toddler all because he couldn't button people in line.
Stephanie Vitori, the manager of Cheeseburger Baby said Busta got very upset when he couldn't order his food over the other customers in line. She said he then called her a b***h and one of her employees a fag.
"We treat everyone as equal here at CBB. You can't skip the line of ten people waiting in front of you," Vitori said.
Because of Busta actions the manager called the police. Unfortunately, that's not all the rapper did. He also threatened the employees at the restaurant claiming they messed up his order. Stephanie said she's had plenty celebrities in her store like Jay-Z and Kanye West and she's never had this problem until Busta came!
Wow! This is what you call a celebrity letting his status go to his head! Maybe if he offered to buy all the customers food they would have let him order before them. You gotta give in order to receive!