irst Lady Michelle Obama Delivers Empowering Speech At "Black Girls Rock"

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First Lady Michelle Obama who attended the 5th "Black Girls Rock" award show received much criticism and media backlash for honoring black women.

Obama addressed the audience telling the young black girls to ignore voices that suggest that they were not good enough.

Here is what Michelle Obama said:

"To all the young women here tonight and all across the country, let me say those words again, black girls rock."

"We, rock, We rock! No matter, where you come from you are beautiful, you are powerful, you are brilliant. You are funny."

"Let me tell you, I'm so proud of you. My husband, your president, is so proud of you. And we have such big hopes and dreams for every single one of you."

In February at this year's Oscars, actress Patricia Arquette who received and Academy Award for best supporting actress in the film "Boyhood" also gave a similar speech.

"To every woman who gave birth, to every taxpayer and citizen of the nation, we have fought for everybody else's equal rights. It's our time to have wage equality once and for all and equal rights for women in the United States of America," Arquette said.

Obama who didn't use the phrase "black women" was accused of being biased because her comments were directed towards a audience that was filled with mostly black girls. Some even called her a racist!

One viewer felt Obama's words were suggesting that white girls are not good enough to be empowered. 

Another critic said that "White Girls Rock" event wouldn't even last five minutes without Al Sharpton outside the venue, shutting it down. "Everybody Rocks" would seem to be a better message endorsed by the First Lady.

On Obama's Instagram a one of her followers posted "If a white person posted this and it said "white girls rock", the s**t would hit the fan."

While Patricia Arquette didn't use the phrase "white girls rock" their audience was predominately filled with their own kind.

So does that make her a racist as well?

Let's be clear, for decades black people had to deal with discrimination and being excluded from award events like the Oscars.

Just because they don't say it or have a sign that says "for white only" don't mean it's not!

How is it that when black people create something to represent their culture they are expected to include everybody, but everyone else can look out for their own people, and their people only?

Just because a handful of white people don't portray racism doesn't mean it doesn't still exist amongst the rest of them. Just because a law was passed for equality to blacks doesn't mean they will like it or treat them any differently than the way they truly feel.

During early slavery blacks had to be face with signs like "white only" on the water fountains, clothing boutiques and restroom doors. They were not allowed to attend the same churches, schools and restaurants. They weren't accepted in organizations, professional sports and blue and white collar jobs. They weren't even allowed to appear in certain television shows and movies. And when you did see a black person in a show or film they played roles as they were actually treated or were portrayed in a negative light, the same as they are treated now!

In this day in age things may have changed just enough for us to believe we are no longer slaves, but in all reality we are still living in slavery, modern day slavery that is!

What First Lady Michelle Obama said nothing wrong. There is nothing wrong with empowering women of your own kind. We should all encourage our young black girls to be strong!

Tamara M. Anderson