Nike Jays plans on “TaKiNg OvEr” with his first offering of 2019. Autotune-driven, and completely his own, “TaKiNg OvEr” is a fleeting crusade into contemporary trap territory. It clocks in a bit over two minutes; fulfilled by a trampoline of 808s, zipping hihats, and a simplistic sparkle of synthesized keys. The upcoming Chicago rapper’s use of melody is what steals the show here, as he can be heard colorfully cruising through a burst of bars. Truly absorb his lyrics, and you can trace the tale of a young, rising artist paving his own path to the top. Albeit, Nike Jays is aware he has a long journey ahead of him, “TaKiNg OvEr” is his promise to never succumb. According to his Instagram, he is currently working on an album with Black808Beats titled “Good Mornin”. If that is released alongside “TaKiNg OvEr”? Nike Jays will be even closer to seeing the door to his greatest dream unlock.
“TaKiNg OvEr” on Spotify